Where is the Makers Studio located?

The Makers Studio is located in the Innovation lab rooms 205 and 209

What are the operating hours of the Makers Studio?

The hours of operation will be displayed on the front page of the website

Do I have to enroll in Canvas?

Yes. Access to the machines is contingent on passing quizzes in Canvas to verify your knowledge about each machine.

Where can I find information about trainings?

Information about training is found in Canvas.

What is the material usage policy in the Makers Studio?

The material in the Makers Studio is free to the Missouri S&T campus as long as it is being used for personal or class projects (we will NOT fund your Etsy store or any commercial business). While this material is free we do have limits and can not support the whole campus using all of the material every month. We also supply what we get. If there is a material you would like to use that we do not have, you will have to source it on your own. This is a privilege that we have and may have to limit if we find our resources are being used up faster than we can keep them stocked.

Does the Makers Studio have project storage?

Currently, the Makers Studio does not have project storage. Please take your projects with you when you leave the space.

I have taken trainings through the SDELC, why does my training not transfer to the Makers Studio?

Makers Studio and SDELC do not share training information. Also the trainings may be similar but are not always the same.

Why does the Makers Studio have a Website and Canvas?

The website provides a basic overview of the space and details on the tools. If interested, you can use the link on the website to Canvas to gain access to the space. Canvas also integrates with our GRIT system allowing quick access to machines once trainings are complete.

I am staff or faculty, can I use the Makers Studio?

Of course! The Makers Studio is open to all of the Missouri S&T campus as long as you have a Missouri S&T ID.

Do I need to reserve equipment in advance?

Not currently. Equipment usage is on a first-come, first-served basis, however this is subject to change based on availability and usage moving forward.

Can I bring my own materials to use in the Makers Studio?

Yes. However, make sure the materials are approved for use with our equipment. We are also not responsible for your materials or equipment, so ensure you put your name and contact information on materials if you need to leave it in the space.

Are there any workshops or events hosted by the Makers Studio?

Yes, we regularly host workshops and events. Check the Canvas calendar for upcoming events.

Can I use x, y, or z material in the Makers Studio?

Tool trainings detail allowed materials for each of the machines. If you are uncertain, please ask one of our Shop Supervisors if it is okay to use. You can not cut metal on any of our machines.