The Makers Studio is available to all students, staff, and faculty at Missouri S&T to make use of. The space can be used for personal projects, class projects, or business prototypes. Trainings need to be accomplished to access the space and utilize the tools. No trainings should take longer then 30 minutes.

Initial Access

To gain access to the Makers Studio you will need to accomplish the following:

1. Sign up and review information on Canvas.

Use the button below to enroll in the Makers Studio page on Canvas. Review all pages in the General Safety section and ensure you understand what is required of you being in the space.

2. Schedule in-person training.

In Canvas, look at the Makers Studio calendar and sign up for the General Safety training. If there are no opening available, or you are unable to make the times listed, email the Makers Studio to add temporary training times to the schedule.

3. Take the General Safety quiz.

After your in person training, a Shop Supervisor will unlock the General Safety quiz for you in Canvas. Take the quiz at your convenience. When successfully passed, you will automatically (in-work) be added to the GRIT system.

Initial Equipment

Once you finished the General Safety, and have access to the Makers Studio, you will be able to use all of the tools and equipment that aren’t plugged in. This includes access to the tool library, hand tools, power tools, button maker, computers, work tables, and more. To gain access to machines, you will have to complete additional safety training specific to those machines.

Additional Trainings

Once the General Safety quiz is complete, all of the basic tool trainings will unlock. Each training follows the same sequence as the initial training above. Start by reviewing materials online. Next, schedule in-person training (many tool trainings are not regularly scheduled, so you will need to email us). Finally, take your chosen tools safety quiz on Canvas. Once you successfully complete a tools safety quiz, GRIT will automatically (in-work) update your access credentials so you can use the tools right away.

Tool Access

Powered tools in the lab are controlled through the GRIT RFID sign-on system. Once students have finished the General Safety Training in Canvas, they will be able to check out a RFID access card when they arrive at the Makers Studio. This card will allow students to access any machine they have completed the associated safety training for. For a list of which safety trainings are associated with which tools, refer to the General Safety section of Canvas. Tampering with this system in any way will result in an immediate decertification on all tools and you will be asked to leave the space.